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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  Darkrider Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:08 pm

My second fan-fic. My first one is Johto Falls on bmgf. Here goes! I will update their pokemon at the beginning of every chapter. If there isn't one, well no new pokemon for that chapter. This post will count as chapter 1, because it will be in here as well.
Andrew B. Storm
Poochyena (Shiny)

Diamond A. Petunia

Brian I. Blaze


"Shaymin!" the lonely Shaymin called out. It was in the beautiful Floaroma Town, where Shaymin made the barren place, and in exchange, brought wonderful flowers for the people. It was very careful not to let people know where it was, except one boy found out.

"Look mommy, its the flower pokemon in the stories you tell." a young boy said to his mother. She looked up, then on the ground, she saw a pile of bushes, and a few Gracedia's.

"Oh, its just flowers. It would never be Shaymin, he hasn't came here in a long time. But, its nice you have a vivid imagination for a seven year old." She told her son.

"Oh, but I knew I saw eyes in that pile. Oh look, there they are now!" Andrew told his mother. This was his first pokemon he saw. He knew it was a pokemon, and he thought it meant something. She looked, and only saw bushes and flowers that smelled sweet.

It did mean something, but it wasn't good. He had no idea, that within the next day, the beautiful Floaroma Town would become its barren self again. But it wasn't just Floaroma Town, it was the entire region of Sinnoh...

Then, the Shaymin saw the boy, went into Sky Forme with the nearby Gracedia's, and flew for the sky. It flew eastward, never to be seen again for a long time. This then caused a natural diaster, and the prosperous Sinnoh regeon, changed from its lush self, to a barren wasteland. This, is how the Sinnoh Barrens came to be...
Chapter 1, A New Light

He lived in Sinnoh. It was the same boy from three years ago, but his life changed after 'The Barren Incedent." It was three years lster from that day. His mother stayed in the regeon to keep their heritage, and they had no money. "Andrew honey, your supper is ready." the mother of Andrew B. Storm called from the bottom of the stairway.

This was no longer the lush, great region of Sinnoh, though, it was now the barren land of destruction. Every day, sights of the disaster pokemon, Absol, showed on Jubilife TV. This meant it was a disaster.

Andrew turned at the age of ten in three, two, one...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" his mother called out. "Hey, thats my line mom!" he told his mom, sliding down the stairs, hoping to go and catch his first pokemon. He was going with his best friend, Daimond A. Petunia, because they turned ten at the exact same time.

Then, the door crashed open, and a group of thieves came rushing in. "Hold your hands up, now!" they called out.

"Ahh, who are you?" his mother, being stupid, asked the man.

"We are Team Barren. But, we're not here to talk about me. We are here to find you're Magma Stone. This way, Sinnoh will stay its barren self forever!" the man told them, bringing out his gun.

"Ok, its upstairs, in a locked chest. We threw the key out long ago, so it takes about ten people to get it open." she told him, in a depressed voice. Andrew couldn't believe she was giving up already. Then, the negotiator went upstairs to help.

"I knew this would happen one day. Here, take these pokeballs, there are twelve. Give six to Daimond, and catch a pokemon to defend yourselves, and run." she told the terrified boy in a hushed tone.

"But, what about you?"

"Don't worry, it is really in there, but they will never get it open. They are fast, but not strong. Don't forget the bike in the garage. They will let me go, after they have it, because they have all of the information. I'll be fine, just get her, and go. Okay?" she told him. They heard footsteps coming down the stairs, but very slow.

He took a big gulp, then nodded, not wanting to attract attention. He went straight towards Diamond's house, running as fast as he could. He opened the door, motioned for her to come, they grabbed their bikes, and set off for Sandgem Town, to tell Professor Rowan what had happen.

"I heard a lot of shouting, but my dad and I didn't know what was going on. Its probably to late to notify the police. Besides, they are trying to stop the fires." she told him. They went along Route 204, through the caves, and ate some fresh bread next to a lake.

Then. they saw a strange, blue, serpentine like shadow in the water. Then, popping out like a Magikarp, a Dratini came, and stole their bread, but first showing off its scales.

"Eeeek! It stole our bread! Oh, I'll get you, go Bud..." then, Andrew's arm stretched out in front of her.

"Shhh, you'll scare it. Go, pokeball." he said, whispering, then throwing a Quick Ball. The Dratini was caught, and the red, and white lights flashed. The pokeball wiggled a lot, then stood still. The lights stopped flashing.

"Ya, I caught a Dratini!" he shouted.

"Uh, couldn't you let me catch it?" she asked, while Andrew was still holding his pokeball, which now contained a Dratini.

"Well you already have a Budew, and I still don't have any. Besides, your Dad put his Scyther in your PC for you. I need at least one pokemon here." then the two friends started bickering. Then, Diamond heard the words 'Scyther, her, and PC box' and stopped.

"Oh, he shouldn't have! Lets go, we need to get to Sandgem Town!" she said, then got on her bike, and set off for Jubilife City. While in the route, they noticed the only real colorful thing was the lake, which was halfway dried up.

"Man, this place is deserted. And I thought it was the largest city in Sinnoh." Andrew said, noticing the unoccupied skyscrapers. "Its like a ghosttown here. Ahhh!" he screamed, noticing a man in his twenties jumping in front of the two travelers.

"Hi, I'm with Jubilife TV and..." then, he got out of a costume, and appearing in front of them was one of the robbers in Floaroma. In fact, it was the one who spoke to Andrew and his mother.

"Okay kid, tell us where the Magma Stone is, and nobody gets hurt." he told the two kids, who were at the moment terrified. "Well not talking, eh? Well thats to bad. Go, Geodude, and Numel!" he said, tossing up two pokeballs in the air. Apearing in front of the three people were a Numel, and a mean Geodude. "Now, Geodude, use Tackle, now. Numel, you use Flamethrower on the kids!"

"He's attacking us? That isn't fair! Go, Budew!" she screamed, tossing out a pokeball, and releasing a tiny Budew. "Now, use Absorb!" she ordered the Budew to do.

"I'll join in. Go, Dratini. Listen, I know we haven't known each other much, but can you do me a favor? Can you use a Twister on the Numel over there? Ahhh!" he said, as a Thunder Wave hit him. "Okay, I guess I deserve that." he told the Dratini, who started spinning to form a Twister.

"Tell us your name!" the two asked the man from Team Barren, after the Twister hit him and his pokemon.

"I'm Brian Igneus Blaze, leader of.." he stopped, because Diamond was about to speak. At least he has manners, so he's a sensible person. Andrew thought.

"Ohh, are you a Gym Leader, or maybe an Elite Four leader. Oh, could you be a contest or pokethlon leader?"

"Stop blabbing!" he yelled at the girl. "Well, as I was saying, I am leader of Team Barren, rival of Lady Ithuania, leader of team Lush, who wishes for the whole world to be encompassed in flowers. You are strong, maybe our paths will cross again someday. But until the..." then, he ran off.

"Okay, Dratini, finish him with a Twister!" Andrew told the Dratini to do. After that, it hit Andrew with a Thunder Wave. Blaze then flew up into the sky, towards Mount Coronet.

"Hahaha, that was funny. Hey, look, Andrew, its a pokemon. Why don't you catch it?" she asked him. They were now walking through Route 202.

"Ya, that will add one more pokemon to my party. Okay, Dratini, do you wanna fight it?" the serpentine pokemon nodded, then attacked Andrew with a Thunder Wave. After that, the Dratini attacked the pokemon with a Bind attack. "Okay, let go now, so I can catch it! Go pokeball!" he said, tossing out this time, a Dusk Ball, because somehow these were more effective at nighttime.

The blue serpent pokemon followed orders, and let go, and the pokemon that was hiding in the bushes was captured in the black pokeball. "Huh, I got so caught up with catching it, I forgot to see what it was. Okay, lets find out now. Go, pokemon, reveal yourself." he said, tossing the pokeball out of his hands. The pokeball bounced off the ground, and out came a golden canine looking pokemon. "Huh, I don't know what it is. I've never herard of a golden pokemon. Lets ask Professor Rowan when we get to Sangdem.

The two trainers, with a Dratini, Budew, and an unknown pokemon followed behind them. They followwed along the cliffy route, because not many pokemon went through there. As they went into the small town, they noticed only a few houses were there, along with the lab. "Here we are. Lets go tell the professor what happened." Andrew told Diamond, going into the laboratory of the professor of Sinnoh.

"Oh, why hello Diamond. Nice to see you to, Andrew. What do we have here? A golden pokemon?" he asked the two children.

"Oh, its a pokemon I caught on my way here. We didn't know what it was, so we decided to take it to you. Oh, Team Barren robbed out house and took the Magma Stone." Andrew told the professor.

"Oh, well thats to bad. Wait, did you say the Magma Stone?" he asked. As he was speaking, he analyzed the golden pokemon, brought out a strange red device, and the device started speaking.

"Poochyena, the Bite Pokémon. Poochyena is the pre-evolved form of Mightyena. Its biting strength is superior Pokémon, and has the endurance to chase opponents down until completely exhausted." the device said outloud.

Before the professor could speak, Andrew replied. "Yes, Team Barren came in, and stole it, this morning. Then, we encountered their leader in Jubilife. We were lucky enough to make it out alive."

"Ah, but that pokemon is grey, while this one is golden." he said, speaking to himself. Then he typed in the words 'golden' and 'Poochyena.' Then a photo of a gold Poochyena came up. "Ah, I see, well you must find it."

"Some pokemon have an alternate colouration, caused by parental genes." the device said. Then, Andrew and Diamond exchanged looks.

"Um, what is that device Professor Rowan?" Andrew asked, while the golden Poochyena was growling, and baring its teeth at the professor, who was studying the rare occasion.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I almost forgot. Here are your pokedexes. These will help you identify pokemon easier." he said, holding out a red device for Andrew, and a pink one for Diamond.

"Oh, its pink! Its so adorable! Oh, um, excuse me professor, my father stored a pokemon in my PC. Can I get it out real fast from yours?" she asked, taking the device known as a pokedex.

"Of course, every trainer needs pokemon." he told her. Then she rushed over to the computer, typed in her access information, and out of a little slot came a pokeball, with a green tint, and it appeared as a net surrounded it.

"Okay professor, were heading off now. Bye!" the kids said, walking out of the door. This was their first journey, and this would be a trecherous one. They headed into the nearby pokemon center, and gave the pokeballs to the lady behind the counter. "here you go, your pokemon are all better! By the way, I'm Nurse Joy." she told the kids, who were to tired, they apid no attention. Accepting the pokeballs back, the slept on some beds, exhausted from the day they went through.

"I don't blame them Chansey, they must be tired after what Profeesor Rowan told us." she told her pokemon, who was probabbly her helper. This was the beginning of their adventure.
Okay, be honest. It will probably be better, because we all know beginnings are never the best part of a fic. Critisism is accepted, because I need improvement. Please point out typos. It may help me to be a little more awar of them.

Last edited by Darkrider on Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:42 am; edited 2 times in total

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Re: Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  vasili1097 Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:43 pm

Really Good.
The Battle Part could've been a bit longer, But overall, Good

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Re: Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  DuskDawn97 Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:27 am

Hey, thats pretty good. *thinks of fanfic idea*

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Re: Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  Darkrider Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:10 am

ya, but I didn't want to go in-depth of what happened, and take up 20 lines of space. And thanks, its only my second fic, so I must be doing good. Chapter Two will hopefully be up on Friday, but on Sunday by the latest.

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Re: Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  Darkrider Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:09 pm

Sinnoh Barrens
Andrew B. Storm
Mightyena (Shiny) (Male) (Fang)
Dratini (Female) (Serpentina)
Electrike (shiny) (Male) (Magneto)
Shinx (Male) (Bolt)

Diamond A. Petunia
Roselia (Female) (Rosy)
Scyther (Male) (Blade)
Lotad (Female) (Dewdrop)
Ralts (Male) (Psy Guy)

Brian I. Blaze
Geodude (Male) (Rocky)
Numel (Male) (Blaze)
Cubone (Male) (Bones)
Onix (Male) (Iron)
Chapter Two, The Extraordinary Evolution Road!

"Okay, Andrew, lets go!" she said, pointing towards the door. To her dismay, he was still asleep. "Wke up, now." she said, throwing a blue pillow at him, and feathers spreading all over the place. He woke up with a tickle at his nose.

"Five more minutes, Mom." he said, still being in his dreams. He rolled over on his stomach to block any more attacks of a pillow.

"Grrr, fine, I guess I'll go to Jubilife and Oreburgh without you." she told him. Opun hearing the words Oreburgh and without, he woke up, and got ready, but first he had to do something.

"Get out. Now!" he yelled at her. With a grunt, she walked away into her room. He readied his blue hat, and jacket. Then he thought, Wait, I don't need a jacket, since Sinnoh is the hottest place on earth. "Okay, lets go, Diamond." he told her, and she ran into the room.

"Oh, Diamond, Andrew, Professor Rowan said he wanted to see you, in his lab." Nurse Joy told the two travelers, who halted in their tracks.

"Okie dokey!" Diamond said outloud. They rushed over to his lab, stopping when they got to the door. They took a deep breath to calm themselves, and they went in, almost marching. Their loud steps making a huge echo around the room.

"Why hello again. Its nice to see you both. The reason I called you here is to give you your starter pokemon. You may already have pokemon, but every trainer that starts a journey, they must have a starter pokemon, that a professor gives them. So here, I have laid out three pokeballs on the table, and each of you gets one. Okay, Diamond you may choose first. By the way, my associate has caught these in places that have swarms." he told them, who almost weren't listening, if he hadn't stopped blabbing, except for the fact that Diamond heard her name.

"Ooooh, I chose this one, the pokeball looks pretty with this leaf and a dewdrop on it!" she said, then releasing the pokeball. Out of it came a little blue thing, with a lily or leaf on its head.

"Lo, lot, Lotad!" it siad, dancing around the floor.

"Diamond, use your pokedex to identify it." the professor told her. She brought out her pink pokedex and it read, "Lotad, the Water Weed Pokémon. Lotad inhabit peaceful wetlands, like lakes and ponds"

"He doesn't look like a weed, he's so cute. Oh wait, its a she!" she said, almost squeling. "Return, Dewdrop!" she said, holding out the pokeball with a leaf with a dewdrop in it, carved into the pokeball. All Andrew could do was tilt his head at her in confuson.

"Okay, I choose, this one." he said, holding out his hand to a pokeball, with a thunderbolt carved into the face. He opened the button, and standing on top of a table was a canine looking pokemon, that was blue. Andrew, being on step ahead, brought out his pokedex.

The pokedex entry said this, "Electrike, the Lightning Pokémon. Using the electric charge stored in its fur, it can run faster than the eye can follow."

"Wow, I like fast pokemon." he said picking it up, and the pokemon hopped in top of Andrew's shoulder. But, then he noticed that the photo in the pokedex, it was green, while this was blue. "Professor Rowan, why is this pokemon, wait, oh." he said, remembering what he had told Andrew yesterday.

'Some pokemon have special qualities, that allow them to be a different colour. It only increases raity, and thievs go after them more,' which was exactly what he said yesterday. "Haha, okay, Diamond lets go now, I wanna go battle a gym, since they are still around at least." he told Diamond, who nodded at the professor, and he waved back, telling them goodbye and good luck.

"Remember, you MUST get the Magma Stone back, otherwise, Sinnoh will be like this forever." he told them. With that, they set out the door, into Sandgem Town, and out of it, into Route 202.

"Wow I almost got used to the Sinnoh Barrens. I can't believe it could be like this forever." Andrew told Diamond, who was looking for a bit of color. There was a bunch of rattling in the bushes, and a pokemon came out, and ate one of the nearby Oran berries that was planted, thanks to the FTBPS (Floaroma Town Berry Planting Society.)

"I'll catch i.." Diamond said, halting, because Andrew already sent out Fang, his gold Poochyena, to attack it. The canine pokemon kept holding on to the Shinx's tail, while its tail was trying to shake off the pokemon.

The Shinx used a Thunderbolt, almost frying the dog like pokemon. "Fang, counter with a Tackle attack, now." he ordered it to do. Instead of tackling, it bit the fox pokemon's leg, and it was now limping. The Shinx couldn't handle it anymore, and fainted. Andrew quickly threw out a pokeball. The Shinx was inside, with the pokeball wiggling around, and the red and white ligh flashing. The suspence was killing Andrew, then he shouted out, "Just stop already!" After he said that, the light stopped flashing, and it turned white.

Then, Fang was beggining to glow. The light blinded Andrew and Diamond, who was still in shock from Andrew catching the pokemon that fast. It began to grow massivly in size, and now standing in front of Andrew and Diamond was a much larger canine pokemon,, and next to it was a tiny pokeball.

Andrew brought out his pokedex once more and it said out loud, "Mightyena, the Bite Pokémon. Mightyena is the evolved form of Poochyena. They move primarily in packs, working together to capture their prey."

"So they work together? Well, I guess he likes to work with me. Hahaha." Andrew said, and he couldn't help but laugh. All the Mightyena could do was do a slight doglike chuckle. Then Andrew, Diamond, Bolt, Anrdew's new Electrike, along with Fang, the newly evolved pokemon, went into Jubilife City.

As they went in, they noticed many shadows of small pokemon inside the alley ways. They decided not to get killed, so they just went along into Route 203. Inside of the route, they saw things scurring in the shadows of dead trees. A little brave pokemon came out, with strange green hat on. Diamond brought out her pokedex and it read about this pokemon, "
Ralts. The Feeling Pokémon. Ralts is the pre-evolved form of Kirlia. It can use the horns on its head to read human emotions. Ralts rarely shows itself to humans, but may occasionally approach when it senses positive or happy feelings."

"Aww, the emotion pokemon! I must catch it. Andrew, can I have this one?" she asked him. He just nodded, because this would be her first caught pokemon. She opened up Rosie's pokeball, which was her Budew, and ordered it to use an Absorb attack. "Good job Rosy, now use, ugh, Tackle!" she said, But the the bud pokemon kept using absorb, to drain away the Ralts' health. It countered with a confusion attack, but Rosy kept absorbing so it had no use. Finally, the Ralts could no longer take it, so it gave up. It ran into the dead tree holw, but Diamond was to fast for it.

She opened up an empty pokeball, and threw it right where the pokemon went into the dead tree. The pokeball popped out, wiggling around, and another glow began while the pokeball was shaking. Rosy began to glow, and gain size. It bega to grow hands, and now was a larger Grass Type pokemon, and the pokenall was still rattling, and the light flashing.

Diamond brought out her pokedex, and it said outloud, being its light pink self, "Roselia shoots sharp thorns as projectiles at any opponent that tries to steal the flowers on its arms. The aroma of this Pokémon brings serenity to living things." The pokeball was finally done flashing and shaking, and then Diamond shook her hand to the newly evolved pokemon.

"Eeeeek! Its adorable, especially with those little rose and violet flower hands. Probably one of the few flower pokemon left. Anyways, I got a Ralts! I think I'll call you Psy Guy, since your psychic, and your a guy." she said, now holding pokeball in the air. Out of a dead, but somehow still standing tree, hopped a person. In fact, it was Brian.

"Why, hello again, little children. I see you have newly evolved pokemon, and new pokemon period. Lets take a look at them. Go, Bones, Iron, Blaze, and Rocky!" he siad, releasing into the air four pokeballs. Diamond and Andrew countered by sending out Rosy and Ralts.

"Head out, Fang, you to, Magneto." he siad, tossing the pokeballs on the ground, and then catching them. Out of the pokeballs came a large, golden Mightena, and a blue Electrike. "Magneto, use Dig, quickly. Fang, use Bite attack." he ordered the pokemon to do. Fang bit the Numel, who released a flamethrower on the Mightena's tail, while Magneto used Dig, went underground, and attacked the Onix, and in shock, quickly fainted.

"Okay, Rosy, use Absorb on that Cubone thing, apparently named Bones. Psy Guy, use Confusion on that Geodude, named, uh, oh yeah, named Rocky." she told her pokemon. Rosy used her rose hand to agsorb the Cubone's health, and the Ralts lifted the Geodude in the air, slamming him against Brian.

"Okay, okay, I give up. You trainers are good, but I have tricks up my sleeve still. Bones, use Bone Rush! Rocky, use Rock Throw on the kids, to let us escape. Iron, you failed miserably, and Blaze use Smokescreen, all at once now!" he ordered the pokemon to do. First, A large light hit the four pokemon opposite to Brain and his pokemon, but they weren't fainted. Then a bunch of huge rocks came out of the sky, blocking a path from Andrew and Diamond, and The Oreburgh Gate and Brian. Finally, a red light returned the large Onix, and a Smokecreen made things invisible. When the two opened their eyes. nothing was there except for a scorched battlefield.

"Damn, he got away. Lets get to Oreburgh now." Andrew said, walking into the cave entrance with Diamond, wondering what would happen next...
Next time, what will happen next? Why does Brain keep appearing, even though he already has the Magma Stone? Find out, and more next time, on the Sinnoh Barrens!

Please be honest I need to improve. Don't say anything about Andrew and his shiny pokemon. I just like those pokmeon. If I rush things, please tell me, so I can slow down.

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Re: Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  vasili1097 Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:37 pm

Sorry to be redundant with my last post, But Good job!!!!, the only criticism i had (Which was the battle), was fixed.

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Re: Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  DuskDawn97 Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:05 am

I found a few errors there.

You said wake like wke, missing out the a.

You also said 'to stop from having anymore attacks of his pillow'. It should be from his pillow.

Other than that, and a few other errors, it's good. Just remember to comment on my fanfic, okay?

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Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out! Empty Re: Sinnoh Barrens PG-13 (use of fire-arms, and other weapons) Chapter Two Is Out!

Post  C Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:57 am

This is awesome
I like the nicknames they're so cool, Magneto, Fang
also though you spelled began as bega when you talked about Budew evolving
overall I give it 8/10 Smile

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