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The Kanto Bandits

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The Kanto Bandits Empty The Kanto Bandits

Post  C Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:10 pm

Yay! My first ever fanfic. Oh well, enjoy and read and rate.

The quiet, quaint little city of Pallet was calm and peaceful. Wild Pidgeys and Starlys fluttered above the shingled roofs of the cosy looking cottages and small children rushed through the gigantic fields of swaying grass without a care in the world.
The tiny children, the oldest of which was only at the age of nine approached the barbed wire fence that separated them from the most depressing place in Kanto. It seemed as though, past that jagged fence, no flowers, plants or trees could ever grow. It started off as a muddy, dusty bank that overlooked a sheer drop of about twenty five feet which then lead off into a barren desert, littered with huge boulders.
The town’s elders had told the children that the desert had once been a vast stretch of deep blue sea before the slaughter of a sleeping Groudon, which had caused no rain to fall there ever since. It was also said that whoever was stupid enough to venture into the desert, expecting to find the end, would be found months later as a shrivelled, burnt corpse.
One child pranced right up to the barbed wire fence, a look of innocence on his face, before he began climbing up it as if it was one of the surrounding trees.
“Jack, no!” cried one of the small boys (who was only six years old), clenching his friends coat to stop him continuing.
“Get off!” he yelled angrily, turning his head and kicking viciously at the young child.
Heart-broken and injured, the six year old burst out crying, tears flowing down his cheeks as if two miniature waterfalls had been constructed on his face. He clamped his hands over his weeping eyes and rushed off back to his home, the other children in pursuit.
Undeterred, Jack Harrison continued up the barbed fence, a determined expression on his face. His hands would occasionally fumble and get caught on the sharp wire which would then cause tiny rivers of scarlet blood to flow down his palms and stain the metal on the fence.
Finally, after what seemed to Jack to have been several painstakingly long hours, his spidery fingers clasped around the last wire. He had reached the top! In celebration he threw his hands up in the air before gasping as soon as he realised his grievous mistake.
With only his legs, torn and bloodied, safely protected behind the fence, Jack was frantically pedalling his arms round in wide circles, trying to battle against the winds. But then the wind changed directions.
Jack found himself toppling over the barbed wire fence and tumbling down the rock hard, muddy bank. He hit his head on a large boulder which was sticking out of the bank and blacked out. The last thing he saw was a plume of brown, rust coloured dust rising from the spot in the desert where he had landed.

Chapter One
(Nineteen years later)
“Scythe!” came a distant voice, just about audible for the dozing Jack Harrison.
Jack was lying on a comfy mattress with a thin sapphire coloured blanket wrapped over his body, his arms drooping limply from the sides of the bed. Beside him stood a hulking, green skinned Pokémon with two beady, yellow eyes and two long, sharp, intimidating, sword like scythes for arms. On the savage looking creature’s insect like back sprouted two long but flat wings, like a fly’s but bigger.
Suddenly there was an insistent hammering at the fragile wooden door to the apartment and Jack’s bloodshot eyes flickered open briefly before snapping open as he stood up, alarmed. He was wearing a creased, jet black tuxedo and a loose tie, which was what he had been wearing when he had collapsed into his bed the previous night.
He took a quick glance at his Pokémon; a violent Scyther nicknamed B.1, and then hurried to the door, fearing that if the impatient hammering proceeded then it would be knocked of its rusty hinges. He seized the handle and wrenched it open to be confronted by a towering giant of a man in a bloodstained apron with short ginger hair. Obviously this was Saffron city’s best chef, Ray King.
“Can I help you?” asked Jack politely, B.1 tensing his scythe like arms behind him.
“Are you Jack Harrison?” he asked back in a gruff, brutish voice.
“Yes. Why?” he said, trying to conceal his growing worry from the renowned Ray King.
“Package,” he replied roughly, plunging a fleshy hand into his apron’s pocket and retrieving an old looking parcel from its depths.
He pushed it wordlessly into Jack’s chest, making him gasp slightly, and then turned and began his long descent down the staircase, past the other apartments. Jack slammed the door and angrily tossed the mysterious parcel onto a plump couch in the corner without even reading the label attached to it.
Suddenly he stopped with a horrible feeling that he was being watched by someone or something. B.1’s beady eyes narrowed and darted round warily.
On the roof of the tower that stood beside the apartments, a dark figure observed Jack with amusement before slinking away silently.

I know its a bit short but the next chapter will be longer. Smile

Posts : 61
Join date : 2009-10-30

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The Kanto Bandits Empty Re: The Kanto Bandits

Post  Darkrider Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:19 pm

Okay, one, this is Kanto, why is Groudon involved, and why are there Starlies fr one thing. Another thing is, why 19 years later? I thought Jack would be dead, since everyone else that went there died. What does this have to do with Bandits. You were in Pallet, and 19 years later, in Saffron. (I think) Review time...

Plot 7/10 This so far has nothing to do with bandits.
Length 6/10 Not long, but most first chapters aren't...
Character Development 5/10 No emtions whatsoever
Setting 7/10 In one time, your in Pallet Twon, 19 years later, your in Saffron, how did he get there?


Posts : 58
Join date : 2009-10-30
Age : 26
Location : In da USA, lurking in the shadows...

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The Kanto Bandits Empty Re: The Kanto Bandits

Post  C Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:37 pm

Chapter 2

Later that day, as he settled down to watch the news, Jack found the mysterious parcel nestled between the cushions of his sofa. He lifted it up and then noticed the label attached to it. Now he was definitely worried. Nobody had ever sent him a package before.

When he had fallen over the barbed wire fence, at the age of eight, he had awoken to find himself in the trunk of a strange car. He had been saved from dehydration and death but was instead stuck in the trunk of a car with people he didn’t know. When the car had skidded to a halt, a shadowy figure in a pinstripe suit had opened the trunk and he had scrambled out and rushed off into the unfamiliar city of Saffron, tears stinging his eyes as he remembered his family back in Pallet town.
Jack still felt tears well up in his eyes when he thought about the incident. Shaking his head sadly, he read the note. It read:

Jack, we need to talk. Meet me on your roof at six. I have sent a small present with this note that I hope you will find useful.
Mr Scarlet
When he had finished reading he gasped in amazement. But there was also a nagging feeling of doubt. He didn’t know anyone called Mr Scarlet and besides why would they send him a package. Nevertheless he began to tear voraciously at the packaging, his excitement unmistakable to the watchful B.1.
Suddenly Jack’s eyes widened in horror and he wordlessly set the gift down on the table, trembling with disbelief. A revolver, was this a joke. He felt lightheaded and dizzy but then the huge clock tower let out a loud boom and repeated the sonorous noise five more times.
Jack was horrified. Six o clock! He quickly stuffed the revolver in his pocket, so as not to be disrespectful to the person who had sent it to him, and cannoned out of the apartment door, leaving B.1 pondering over what was wrong with his master.

Jack leapt up the staircase, taking two steps at a time for fear of being late. He passed several other apartments and the startled inhabitants of them, without giving them so much as a second glance. Finally he found the door that led to the building’s roof and, mustering up all his courage, burst through it.
Suddenly, with a sinking feeling in his stomach, he noticed a tall, shady looking man in a blood red suit on the other side of the roof. He was feeding something hidden in the shadows behind an air vent. With a feeling of doom and dismay, Jack noticed it was a crimson red Scizor, which could easily remove his head with one of its vice like hands.

He sighed in dismay and then began to approach the mysterious man, his left hand in his pocket fumbling around in a search for the revolver. The man heard him coming and slowly a grin spread over his face before he turned to confront him.
“You must be Jack Harrison” he said, in a gleeful yet menacing voice. “My name is Mr Scarlet and I am the one who’s going to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.”
Jack was speechless with amazement and, being not so smart he nervously stuttered. “Thank you...Mr...Scarlet but how...”
“I’m going to introduce you to two of my associates, the Kanto Bandits,” he replied grandly.
Now Jack was worried. He was a very cautious man and did not like to work with people he didn’t know and worst of all these people where killers, murderers and robbers. They were on the front covers of all the newspapers almost every day because another poor soul had been found killed by them.
He quickly plucked up his courage and asked Scarlet. “Where are they?”
Scarlet was clearly amused by his question and the Scizor was threatening Jack by clamping its strong claws around small bricks and shattering them in moments.
“They are coming,” he said finally, glancing up at the sky in a casual way.
Jack was alarmed and spun round quickly to stare up at the same patch of sky that Mr Scarlet was observing. His fingers brushed against the revolver and felt a little bit more reassured that he could always attempt to shoot them if things went wrong.

Suddenly a dark speck appeared in the sky far away which seemed to be coming closer with every second. Jack was so nervous that he was biting his nails worriedly as it drew closer and closer.
The speck slowly transformed into a round balloon like shape with four long, delicate looking arms hanging below it. The balloon also had two unnerving eyes that seemed to stare right through him. Then Jack realized it was the Pokémon Drifblim and that somebody was clinging onto the creature’s frail looking arms for dear life.
Slowly it began to descend towards the roof, its trainer loosening his grip on its arms. He leapt down and withdrew the Drifblim with a smirk then turned to Jack, a questioning look on his face.

“Oi Scarlet,” he cried loudly, “who’s this guy?”
Scarlet grinned. Jack felt like he was going to faint when the murderous bandit plunged his hand into his pocket. But one look at Scarlet told him that this apparently deadly man had no concealed weapons. Then again Scarlet always looked calm.

“That man,” he said finally, “is the newest Kanto Bandit.”
The bandit turned back to Jack and burst out laughing.
“This is Tyler Wrexe,” said Scarlet calmly, as the newcomer continued to chuckle manically, “he’s one of the Kanto Bandits, as I’m sure you know.”
Jack felt more embarrassed than he’d ever felt in his life as the so called Kanto Bandit Tyler Wrexe, who was known for torturing victims in excruciatingly painful ways before killing them with slow acting poisons, cackled whilst pointing a bony finger in his direction. He wanted to just leave the roof and these two vicious murderers but he knew that if he dared do that he would be assassinated by the bandits the following day.
Suddenly Wrexe ceased his laughing and signalled for silence, which was pointless because everyone was quiet anyway. He stared intently at an air vent before it rapidly changed from gleaming silver to burning orange to dark black.

Suddenly a bright red lizard like Pokémon exploded out of the vent, its brilliantly white claws gleaming in the setting sunlight. Its long tail, which ended with a blazing hot ball of flickering fire, flicked around and it snarled at jack when it noticed him staring unblinkingly.
“Charmeleon!” he cried suddenly, as the enraged Pokémon threw itself at him in a frenzy of anger.
Suddenly the bald head of a young male popped out of the vent and immediately noticed his Charmeleon attacking Jack angrily.
“Halt, Blazander!” he called and the brutal creature dropped its claws obediently.
He heaved himself out of the vent and stalked over to the Pokémon, returning it to its Pokeball for rest. Wrexe snorted as he tried to suppress his laughter at the look on Jack’s face.
Then Scarlet spoke solemnly in his thunderous voice. “This, Jack, is William Willis, the other half of the Kanto Bandits.”
William grabbed Jack’s hand and shook it vigorously. “Nice to meet you, Jack,” he said politely.
Jack remembered William Willis from the news as a deranged psychopath who owned at least one of every type of gun in the world and took pleasure in quickly ripping his victims apart by shooting them repeatedly. But perhaps his most distinctive feature was the tattoo of an angry Rayquaza he had plastered onto the back of his bald head.

“So why’s he here, boss?” asked William.
Scarlet simply grinned. “He is our newest bandit.”
Jack felt sick and horrified. He desperately wanted to leave the bandits up on the roof and retreat back to his apartment, but he didn’t.
“You’re joking?” cried Wrexe angrily. “He doesn’t even look like he could fire a gun!”
“That’s why I gave him one,” said Scarlet simply, as his Scizor watched on emotionlessly. “You two are going to teach him the ways of the Kanto Bandits so that our team will be complete.”
Wrexe snarled and William stood motionless like a statue.
“Good,” said Scarlet, smiling.

And with that he strode away towards the staircase, followed by the glaring Scizor. Jack was left standing there with two ferocious mass murderers who would tear him apart at the drop of a hat.
Finally, after what Jack thought must have been hours, William spoke calmly. “Come on, Jack, we’ll take care of you.”

He turned and prowled over to the staircase, pursued by the sneering Wrexe. It seemed like he had no choice, so at that moment Jack stepped forward and became the third Kanto Bandit. He reassuringly brushed his fingers against the handle of the revolver, concealed within his pocket, and grinned. He felt excited about his new job as a bandit.

Posts : 61
Join date : 2009-10-30

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